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The Lichen and Berries story

Making spears from sticks and cordial from the hedgerows has been the normal for the Lichen and Berries team since childhood. Since moving out to Dartmoor, Devon the opportunity to enjoy the local landscapes and forage from our surroundings has been incredible. We're happiest wild swimming and Chanterelle hunting in Autumn!


Come late Autumn as red berries start to give a burst of colour to the green of the moor our thoughts drift to wreath making. Lunaria from the hedgerows, lichen from the forest floors and bundles of fir cones are gathered with gusto in anticipation of the festive period. 


A group of five of us create the completely organic wreaths from materials sourced from Devon, foraged where possible. Each is handmade to order and as fresh as can be, filling your home with aromas of fir, pine and eucalyptus. 


Our live wreath making workshops are hosted from our home in Devon using the same foliage you'll have in the wreath kit delivered to your door. Run over zoom for 2020 the workshops are guaranteed to be a lot of fun. Best enjoyed with a glass of mulled wine you'll leave with a better understanding of the materials you're using and a beautiful wreath to show for your efforts. Please get in touch to find arrange your workshop for this festive season.

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Foraging for larch cones
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